Student Comments
Many students have provided very encouraging comments at the end-of-term evaluations, and here is a collection of comments. Listed below are student comments for just one course.
In Winter A 2022, I taught Financial Modeling, an MBA level elective course at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. Here are some nice things my students said about this course.
1 | I wanted a practical modeling course, and that is exactly what this was. I had a safe and productive environment to struggle through a first LBO model, and feel excited instead of nervous to attempt a 2nd. |
2 | just an all around well put together and executed course. Ross should offer more like this course here. very practical and useful skills. |
3 | I think this was one of the best Finance courses I have taken. Thank you for the great class Pro. Lei. |
4 | Professor Lei treats you like an adult and expects a lot out of you, which in turn caused me to step up and be successful, to really get into the material. I also understood how this would benefit me in my career, which I found refreshing. |
5 | The material itself is very helpful and useful for diverse MBA students. The class does a great job of reinforcing an understanding of how different line items in financial statements interact with each other. |
6 | - very established and balanced course material - teacher has a lot of experience and knows what questions students might have |
7 | Really tied theory with practical application (excel exercises and final project). Really great course. |
8 | Excellent summary of financial modeling methods and how to integrate financial statements. |
9 | Professor Lei is very dedicated to the success of his students and puts in significant amount of time to ensure that. Topics are broken up into smaller pieces better than other finance classes |
10 | Excellent teaching, High commitment from the professor The professor was also patient |
11 | The TA was very accessible. The Excel templates are well organized and very professional. The prof does a really good job answering students’ questions in class during the modeling breakout sessions. |
12 | Very practical. The professor is very passionate and kind |
13 | The professors intimate knowledge of the subject. |
14 | Great resources, helpful TAs and prof Lei was very thorough and helpful. The actual model we built gave me a great sense of achievement. |
15 | Thank you professor for teaching such a great course! |
16 | 1) Very well structured 2) Prof. Lei is amazing |
17 | I really like the real world examples and the trivia homework model. |
18 | Professor Lei (and TAs) provided ample opportunities for students to get help outside of the classroom - both through items posted on the course website and virtual/in-person Q&A. |
19 | The resources available were ample (e.g., archived lecture recordings, FAQs, examples) |
20 | The class is well structured |
21 | Complicated subject but well taught. You get out what you put in. |
22 | The incremental nature of the course, with each week building on the previous week’s material. |
23 | Provided class recording to students to be reviewed. Also proving a pdf solutions to some trivias would help guide the path and ensure one was in the right path. |
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